• Returning artifacts to their origins essay. br/fud8/can-saffron-reverse-macular-degeneration.

    In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those This is why the artifacts should be returned to their countries of origin such as the Parthenon marbles, which was acquired illegally through looting in war, Marbles sculpture from the Parthenon in Athens which was taken by Lord Elgin who brought them to Britain during the years 1801 to 1812 and it has been evidently suggested that, “he was a Jun 10, 2020 · As statues topple across the country, the UK is forced to look anew at its past, while cultural institutions confront where and to whom their collections truly belong and ask whether British museums should return colonial artefacts taken from foreign countries. 0+ IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 09/01/2020. The writer exhibits a deep understanding of the arguments presented by both sides and effectively articulates their positions. The most prominent examples are the pieces known as the Fe fie fo fum let cultural artifacts be returned to their home. In conclusion, while the return of cultural artifacts to their origins is a well-intentioned notion, it is not without significant pitfalls. The museum said it would not share that information because it “would have a detrimental effect on its relationship with the states in question at a time when communications are ongoing,” as reported by the Daily Mail. Imagine that one piece of history that is taken from a town. Nov 9, 2021 · Like Benin, many African states have been fighting for more than a century for the return of their artifacts stolen during colonial times. Dec 25, 2021 · The requests for the return of certain artifacts, most notably the Elgin Marbles, to their place of origin have sparked a great deal of debate. " Why Many artifacts are far away from their country of origin 7. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those It is within a m useums moral obligation to return stolen artifacts to their country of origin. Rozenberg, Silvia, ed. In the passage, “Returning Antiquities to Their Countries of Origin,” by, Joyce Mortimer, she writes, “‘ Many artifacts and works of art have special value for a particular community or nation;’” after reading this passage readers Jul 23, 2021 · Religious artifacts stolen from Jewish synagogues and homes in Europe during the Holocaust were seized by U. A very good example is the Egyptian obelisk. Related Articles The repatriation of cultural artifacts and pieces of art refers to the return of these items to their country of origin. These form part of a people’s culture and have a clear function in that society. And in December of that year, the French senate voted unanimously to approve a law returning 27 colonial-era artifacts to Benin and Senegal. Dec 13, 2022 · Prodded by law enforcement, and pushed by foreign governments, American museums are increasingly returning artifacts to countries of origin, but critics wonder at what cost. While I acknowledge the importance of preserving a nation's heritage and cultural identity, I believe that the decision to return these items should be made with careful consideration of various factors. Dec 24, 2018 · Objects can also recall past events: antlers collected on a hunting trip, a necklace of beads obtained on holiday or at a fair, a picture book that reminds the owner of a trip, all of these objects contain a meaning to their owners, apart from and perhaps above their materiality. 9 million visitors annually, then would see them in India or Egypt. To avoid these hostile disputes and promote harmonious relationships between cultures and countries, it is preferable to return artifacts to their true origin before the situation becomes uncontrollable. One can see why some may think different; in conclusion, the artifacts need to be returned to their rightful But aside from what the UNESCO has facilitated, there are also bilateral negotiations that have taken place around the subject of cultural artifacts and the return of cultural artifacts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. 25. And there have been instances of success. Ways Artifacts were Removed from their Countries Returning Artifacts to their Places of Origin Reasons for Returning Cultural Artifacts Conclusions Introduction Cultural artifacts should be returned to their rightful owners. Through some research, I was able to find out that the UNESCO regulations only require these artifacts to be returned to their country of origin if they were acquired post 1970. Ethics of Repatriation-Egyptian Artifacts Egyptians making efforts to get their artifacts back The artifacts that get stolen from a country are hard to get back as, the country from which they are stolen would have to ask the authorities of the other country to help them find those artifacts or fight a legal battle in the courts of the other country which can not only be very time consuming Dec 13, 2022 · For decades, he has worked to return a number of high-profile Egyptian artifacts to his country, including the Rosetta Stone (housed at the British Museum), the Dendera Zodiac (in the Louvre) and Wow! it is amazing. That 200,000 people have lined up for a show suggests Benin has found an answer. Critics and community leaders are still seekin Apr 29, 2020 · There is Context A - After UNESCO, in which regulations only require the return of artifacts removed from their country of origin after the year 1970. Additional Essays by Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters. Feb 27, 2023 · “In recent years, museums have been questioned more and more about the provenance of their collections, and more calls have been made in support of the return of objects acquired during the colonial era or by military force to their countries of origin. Christos Tsirogiannis, an archaeologist from Greece, noted that the reasons fabricated by the UK for refusing to return the artifacts. May 15, 2019 · By dispossessing people of their cultural artefacts, books and important religious and cultural relics, you dispossess them of their knowledge, history and philosophy. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those Jun 11, 2018 · Throughout history, colonizers have invaded and stolen sacred cultural artifacts from various countries, causing harm and anguish. . Feb 10, 2020 · Here are the key points on either side of the argument over whether museums should return their colonial artefacts. Now, one museum in Nashville is acknowledging its own past and returning pieces of history to their rightful homes. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?The question of whether museums should return cultural artifacts to their countries of origin is a contentious issue that raises important questions about cultural heritage, ownership, and historical responsibility. The vast majority of the respected museums is based on plundering, theft, or illegal purchase of items that are now on exhibition. Mar 15, 2020 · A recent two-day conference at the University of British Columbia gave Indigenous people from around the world a chance to compare notes on repatriation of their artifacts and human history. Feb 16, 2022 · Moreover, reclaiming cultural heritage can re-establish national identity or pride, especially for newly formed states. Although one can see why some may want to keep the artifacts in museums, instead of returning them to their natural origin; they are taking away the rightful country's opportunity to look at their past, and to get to know what it was like. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those Jan 9, 2024 · Here are some tips to master IELTS Writing Task 2 – Agree/Disagree Essay. This paper will analyze and give a historical background of the article. ” Dec 15, 2023 · July 6: The Netherlands announced they will return 478 cultural artifacts (see above) so we are delighted to return these works to their countries of origin. Aug 6, 2021 · Changes to U. For. authorities on their way to auction, U. This evidence was found in the passage, “Returning Antiquities to Their Countries of Origin” by Joyce Mortimer paragraph 1. Sep 16, 2023 · The British Museum theft has led several countries to demand the return of their artifacts, which the UK reject! Prof. Oct 24, 2019 · Bust of Prince Ankhhaf, from Giza, tomb G 7310. Ghanaian writer Kwame Opoku argues: ‘Those Western museums and governments that are busy proclaiming their wishes to celebrate with Nigeria and other African states … independence could follow their words with concrete actions by sending some African artefacts back to their countries of origin’ [Ref: Modern Ghana]. Sep 10, 2019 · Workmen deliver a portion of the Parthenon frieze, the socalled Elgin Marbles, to the British Museum in 1961. Mar 19, 2024 · A very long essay will not give you a higher band score. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Bài mẫu band 8. Although this seems to be an overwhelmingly positive action taken to reunite ancient artifacts with their culture, the process can also prevent intercultural blending and encourage cultural segregation. May 2, 2018 · Iraqi artifacts that were smuggled into the United States at a ceremony marking their return to Iraq on Wednesday. Jan 9, 2021 · Moreover, the historical backdrop of an artefact is more than just its country of origin. Nov 29, 2018 · Stéphane Martin, president of the Quai Branly Museum, is quoted in the article saying, “Museums must not be hostages to the painful history of colonization. Repatriation is the return of stolen or looted cultural materials to their countries of origin. Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters. I believe that museums should not have to return artifacts to the original countries because the trades are legal, the artifacts are unprotected, and people are interested in learning about the artifacts and cultures. Exhibition catalogue. Fe fie fo fum let cultural artifacts be returned to their home. Though there were occasional repatriations, the protests either fell on deaf ears or tribes lacked the The repatriation of cultural artifacts and pieces of art refers to the return of these items to their country of origin. Many artifacts are far away from their country of origin 7. if the elgin marbles are part of their religion then I think they should be returned to Athens but England did buy it fair and square so there is a good argument for both May 3, 2024 · A Case for Returning Looted Artifacts: For years, activists and politicians have led discussions about whether disputed museum objects should go back to their countries of origin. From the 4th dynasty, during the reign of Khafra, circa 2575–2550 B. "They cannot play the ostrich, they have to face up [to] the reality and be on the right side of history," said Ch Oct 11, 2022 · The return of these Benin Bronzes is the first return under the Smithsonian’s new ethical returns policy announced this spring. In the passage,” Returning Antiquities to their Countries of Origin” by Joyce Mortimer, “A Case in Antiquities for “Finders Keepers” by John Tierney,” Vision of Home: Repatriated works in their Countries of Origin” by Rachel Donadio it talks about why or why not the artifacts should live in their regions of origin. Donoghue, the United States attorney The importance of an artifact—historically, culturally, or as a symbol of a nation’s power—and who should own it is central to the debate of returning artifacts to their countries of origin. 1600–1046 B. Knights of the Holy Land: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Artifacts are a work of art that need to be returned. Aug 21, 2022 · As more looted art comes back to Africa, countries have wrestled with the right way to display it. Nov 30, 2022 · READ MORE: U. Many have since kept these artifacts on display without regard for their ancestral owners and rightful place. Then there is Context B - Before UNESCO, where the appropriation of artifacts before the date of the regulations can be considered legal and permissible. Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. As a compromise, they are willing to lend certain artifacts to their countries of origin for time-limited exhibitions; for example, Nigeria can borrow some of the Benin Bronzes for its new Benin Royal Museum Feb 26, 2024 · The British Museum maintains that the marbles were legally acquired with the permission of the Ottoman Empire. regulations would seek to eliminate red tape that has delayed the return of burial remains and sacred objects held by museums and other institutions. Oct 27, 2021 · Topline. Although a belief that looting cultural heritage is wrong and stolen objects should be returned to their rightful owner dates to the Roman Republic (see Cicero’s Verrines) it was not until the 1950s, when the stark truths of colonization and war crimes against humanity began to be exposed, that a Jan 15, 2022 · The report recommended that objects taken from their countries of origin without consent be permanently returned upon request, though few of the at least 90,000 objects from sub-Saharan Africa Societies throughout sub-Saharan Africa have preserved knowledge about the past through verbal, visual, and written art forms. Aug 1, 2023 · 2. This essay has demonstrated that the educational benefits of global accessibility and the practicalities of advanced conservation methods often justify keeping these items in international institutions. The history of museums collecting is what speaks for the idea of returning the cultural artifacts to their countries of origin. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those Nov 27, 2018 · President Emmanuel Macron of France announced that 26 objects looted by French colonial forces would be returned to their country of origin. Apr 2, 2024 · Talks between the governments and the museum are ongoing, and the British Museum will not reveal what artifacts were spoken of. Repatriation is distinct from restitution, although the terms are often conflated. " Feb 23, 2021 · In January 2020, the Netherlands returned 1,500 artifacts to Indonesia, a former Dutch colony, following the closure of Museum Nusantara in Delft. This has very concrete real Jan 21, 2015 · The return of cultural objects to their country of origin is a complex question, but there are some clear-cut cases for repatriation. Many consider these artworks stolen and believe they should be Feb 14, 2009 · Britain, please step into the 21st Century and demonstrate leadership by returning historical artifacts to their country of origin. To give some context, the Rosetta Stone was taken from the city Rosetta by French soldiers during Napoleon’s invasion of Europe. Returning Artifacts to their Places of Origin The cultural artifacts were taken by invading troops. Now residing in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Jun 22, 2021 · The search that led to it was part of a painstaking initiative on the part of the Cree to reclaim artifacts that tell the story of their people—one that reflects a growing repatriation movement Mar 16, 2024 · Historical objects should be brought back to their country of origin. “Returning Antiquities to Their Countries of Origin” by Joyce Mortimer can many people about how objects are getting taken from Museums. Historical objects should be brought back to their country of origin. During the era of Colonialism, European powers claimed vast lands and enslaved large populations; they also took ownership over cultural objects. Jun 2, 2024 · The Parthenon in Nashville. The repatriation of historical objects and artefacts to their countries of origin has sparked intense debates. We need to write object descriptions and interpretations with our own wrongdoing in mind rather than avoiding any admission of guilt. C. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Works Cited. The history that is given back to its country of origin is often forgotten or neglected due to lack of governmental care. heritage and history,” said Richard P. Using examples from around the world, we may discuss their benefits and ramifications. When it comes to returning African artifacts to their cultures and places of origin, European nations and their museums are up against formidable obstacles. There is also the bigger concern of private companies and museums that would lose financial opportunities from the loss of artifacts. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. Apr 10, 2024 · The return of objects, funds from casinos and other tribal businesses, and an ongoing renaissance in tribal politics and culture have enabled Native nations across the country to build and Mar 15, 2019 · The artifacts, which came from a burial site, were not taken from a German colony, but the return of the items signaled a shift in how museums were dealing with objects that were collected by Sep 11, 2023 · The repatriation of historical artefacts to their country of origin is a topic that raises important ethical and cultural considerations. As my opinion, I think we should make countries to give the artifacts back to their origin. , Parthenon Marbles Oct 16, 2020 · Do you think museums should return objects that were stolen, looted or taken with the threat of violence to their places of origin? Why or why not? For example, the Rosetta Stone, currently displayed in the British Museum, has enabled people from all over the world to learn about ancient Egyptian history and language. 480–323 B. Band 7 Sample Answer For Writing Task 2 – Historical Objects Should Be Brought Back To Their Country Of Origin The History of the Jews in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Cultural artifacts should not be returned to their region of origin because some people don’t have enough money to travel to China or Brazil to go look at ancient artifacts from the past. This policy authorizes Smithsonian museums to return collections to the community of origin based on ethical considerations, such as the manner and circumstances in which the items were originally acquired. terracotta funeral The passage “Returning antiquities to their country of origin” by Joyce Mortimer and “A case in antiques ‘finders keepers’” by John Tierney create controversy for either side of the argument. Emma Tattersall said, 03. Jan 10, 2024 · This complexity introduces formidable impediments to the formal repatriation process, creating substantial challenges in the endeavor to return such artifacts to their rightful places. Lately, many western museums have been demanded to return the stolen sacred artifacts of the oppressed people who were affected by Jul 15, 2022 · Museums around the world are returning or considering the return of heritage artefacts that originated in colonised lands. Oct 26, 2021 · The French presidency said in a statement that the return of the objects to their country of origin would allow the “African youth to have access to their own heritage in Africa, and not in May 25, 2020 · However, there are also several issues associated with returning museum artefacts to their country of origin. Some people argue that museums should return cultural artifacts to their countries of origin. ‘Restitution’ refers to returning cultural material to an individual or community group. ) Athenian Vase Painting: Black- and Red-Figure Techniques; Greek Gods and Religious Practices; Ancient Greek Colonization and Trade and their Influence on Greek Art; Ancient Greek Dress; Architecture in Ancient Greece; Art of the Hellenistic Age and the Hellenistic Tradition Aug 3, 2021 · ERBIL, Iraq — When the Iraqi prime minister’s plane touched down in Baghdad last week after an official visit to the United States, its cargo included 17,000 archaeological artifacts returned James Cuno: You’ll never return objects to their original -- state of origin. Thompson’s suggestion that museums that return Many artifacts are far away from their country of origin 7. There were probably a number of early centers of bronze technology, but the area along the Yellow River in present-day Henan Province emerged as the center of the most advanced and literate cultures of the time and became the seat of the political and military power of the Shang dynasty (ca. Feb 8, 2023 · While the repatriation movement traces back to a 1970 UNESCO treaty halting the illicit trade of cultural property, revered museums, including the Louvre and the Getty, continue to make headlines for their failure to return pilfered holdings—from Assyrian gypsum statues to Nepalese shrines—to their communities of origin. Now, those -- if that went back Egypt, it wouldn’t go back to Pharaonic Egypt. Nov 25, 2008 · For decades, Native American groups requested the return of artifacts and human remains. Painted limestone. The archaeological site, such as Angkor Wat, was looted of its Khmer sculptures. Jun 21, 2022 · Dennis Poriot (left) and Steve Onyiro put the final touches on a 3D-printed belt from the Kamba community in Kenya as part of a collaboration to produce replicas of artifacts kept in German museums. ARTS, CULTURE, HISTORY, TRADITION, MUSEUM1. This movement marks a crucial step toward acknowledging historical injustices, fostering diplomatic relations, and preserving cultural heritage. Artworks can be purchased, exchanged, and given as gifts, but they can also be stolen or looted. Finding artifacts true homelands could cause yet another fight over custody. ” Pressure on museums to return looted artifacts to their lands of origin has garnered widespread news coverage. 6. Returning such artifacts to their country of origin could limit access to these cultural treasures for people from diverse backgrounds. Nov 8, 2019 · (Tierney, 2009) As a result, museums should not acquiesce to Zahi Hawass’ demands for culturally important artifacts to be given back to Egypt, their country of origin, and instead keep them in their displays, as they currently do, and continue to showcase them for public exhibition in which all people can participate. This essay provides a thorough examination of the debate surrounding the Parthenon Marbles, offering insights from both Robert Browning and John Henry Merryman's perspectives. Jul 10, 2023 · Even after museums decide to return stolen artifacts to their countries of origin, tariffs and red tape can prolong the process. The Art of Classical Greece (ca. 128). There are several challenges which arise in the repatriation of cultural material. One of those categories is human remains. Often, the responsibility of recording historical information was consigned to professional historians, trusted individuals whose superior wisdom and training equipped them to remember and interpret vast stores of information for the benefit of the community. Greek authorities, however, argue the marbles are “looted treasures that are a foundation of their national heritage. Apr 20, 2021 · And the Natural History Museum in Berlin has been dodging requests from the Tanzanian government for years, asking for the return of a 39ft-long (13m) dinosaur skeleton discovered in the early Feb 13, 2024 · To the Editor: Re “Accountability for Museums’ Plunder, at Last,” by Erin Thompson (Opinion guest essay, Feb. It has been frequently covered, particularly on media outlets like "The Daily Show," highlighting the difficulties in determining who is really entitled to these treasures. ) to their countries of origin or former owners. A well-known one is the return of human remains, and particularly those of Sarah Baartman to South Africa. I believe the era of the artifacts' return will eventually come as the saying goes, "justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied. The ancient Assyria of 883 BC is very different from modern northern Iraq; fifth century BC Athens, which produced the much fought-over Parthenon Marbles, is unrecognisable compared to modern Greece. In the passage,” Returning Antiquities to their Countries of Origin” by Joyce Mortimer, “A Case in Antiquities for “Finders Keepers” by John Tierney,” Vision of Home: Repatriated works in their Countries of Origin” by Rachel Donadio it talks about why or why not the Objects on display in museums often have long and complicated histories of ownership. Antiques should be returned to their country of origin to be used as artifacts to tell stories of the history of those countries. Nov 23, 2018 · European museums are under mounting pressure to return the irreplaceable artefacts plundered during colonial times. The meanings are important things to countries’ citizens, so I believe that we should give artifacts back t their origins. Bonnie Seymour is the registrar and assistant Jan 22, 2019 · The 108-page study, written by French art historian Bénédicte Savoy and Senegalese writer and economist Felwine Sarr, speaks of the “theft, looting, despoilment, trickery and forced consent” by Mar 2, 2022 · If the return of these artifacts cannot guarantee their proper safety and preservation, many museum curators argue that they should not be returned. Dave. The Rosetta Stone is one artifact that thousands of Egyptians want returned. ” What does he mean by this Nov 28, 2023 · The Parthenon Sculptures – which come from the temple of Athena on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece – represent one of the longest-running controversies concerning the British Museum’s Sep 17, 2018 · The ongoing debate over how historical artifacts should be repatriated to their country of origin seems rather interesting. Paris has just returned 26 royal antiquities, looted by French soldiers Related Essays. Many people, such as myself, see the many issues with returning artifacts to their countries of origin. Also by Jun 24, 2024 · In the Asante culture, the gold artifacts are believed to be invested with the spirit of former kings, so the return of the treasures was described as the return of "the soul of the people. Jan 21, 2015 · If you want to learn about classical antiquities, you’ve got to find a museum. ), the earliest archaeologically Nov 11, 2021 · After France returned 26 cultural artifacts to the West African nation of Benin this week, one art historian says institutions still holding on to colonial loot need to "get the memo" and return cultural treasures to their homelands. But aside from what the UNESCO has facilitated, there are also bilateral negotiations that have taken place around the subject of cultural artifacts and the return of cultural artifacts. Jul 15, 2020 · We need to acknowledge their right to their own objects and discuss the possibilities of collaboration, joint exhibitions, long-term loans and, ultimately, the return of their artefacts. Objects obtained without consent are as good as stolen We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I mean, that is because the circumstances have changed -- if the Temple of Dendur, which of course was exported from Egypt legally with the encouragement of the Egyptian authorities. Jun 11, 2020 · Western museums are beset with demands to give back stolen property – the cultural heritage of oppressed people plundered by colonial armies in the 19th century or taken unfairly by grasping Oct 19, 2023 · In a significant cultural shift, museums worldwide increasingly recognise the importance of repatriating of important cultural artefacts to their countries of origin. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1999. Cultural property could be considered: artifacts, skeletal remains, grave goods, tools, weapons, intellectual property (e. Why i believe that the artifacts should be returned to their place orgen is because it will shown more background of the artifact to show where it was used but because once it was removed from its origin it lost some context and meaning for what it did. Greece has demanded the sculptures be returned to Athens. ‘Repatriation’ refers to returning cultural material to its country of origin. Many express their opinion in favour of the return of such objects, and I firmly agree with this opinion as I believe that restoring these items to their rightful place is a crucial step in preserving cultural heritage and fostering international understanding. Lenzerini (2016) argues that cultural objects if returned to its place of origin, can benefit communities’ tourist industries and become “an essential part of people’s pride, self-esteem, and identity” (p. These are only a few of the many examples of stolen artifacts that have found their way into museums far away from their country of origin. The argument predominantly revolves around the marbles removed from the Parthenon by the British Lord Elgin. Stealing is wrong. Feb 14, 2009 · Britain, please step into the 21st Century and demonstrate leadership by returning historical artifacts to their country of origin. The Law Feb 21, 2023 · As the pressure on museums and collectors to return looted artifacts to their countries of origin has grown in recent years, one issue has been whether some countries are equipped to accept them Should Museums Return Looted Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin? The requests for the return of cer tain ar tifac ts, most notably the Elgin Marbles, to their place of origin have sparked a great deal of debate. They are among 5,000 works requested by Sep 12, 2023 · The progress of the process to return the treasures has been pathetically slow, although some artifacts have been returned to their countries of origin while others are being returned at a rate never seen before. S. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those Dec 20, 2021 · Returning artifacts would be seen as “woke,” Kinnock added, and the government treats that “as vampires treat sunlight. For my sample answer PDFs, sign up to Patreon here. At this year’s By returning the artefacts to these countries, they can be displayed for local people to experience aspects of their culture that they have been denied, learning from the past and reflecting on their history and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Oct 26, 2021 · The British museum is also home to the Rosetta Stone, an ancient tablet originating from Egypt, which Egypt claims was stolen and has asked for its return. Mar 3, 2019 · Even if we wanted to, it would not be possible to return them to their place of origin. It’s because the artifacts has meaning in their own countries. if the elgin marbles are part of their religion then I think they should be returned to Athens but England did buy it fair and square so there is a good argument for both Apr 2, 2021 · Because they made their way beyond West Africa as a result of a colonial conquest, the Benin Bronzes have faced calls for their return, both within Nigeria and outside it. As an archaeologist who works in Africa, this debate has a very real impact Oct 13, 2022 · African nations and scholars have put pressure on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, to return stolen African artifacts for years, according to Chika Oct 29, 2021 · On Wednesday the Quai Branly Museum in Paris also handed over 26 artifacts to Benin, a former French colony which borders Nigeria, that were stolen in 1892. The returning of antiques to their native lands is not necessary. Jul 2, 2021 · Some six in ten Britons (62%) would support returning historical artefacts to their country of origin on a permanent basis, including nearly three in ten (29%) who would “strongly” support museums doing so. , other countries return looted ancient artifacts to Iraq For Nigel Hetherington, an archaeologist and CEO of the online academic forum Past Preserves, the museum’s lack of Apr 16, 2022 · Repatriation is the return of stolen or looted cultural goods (in the context of imperialism, colonialism, war etc. " December 7: Feb 17, 2020 · Activities such as tourism and archaeology also contributed to the transport of cultural artifacts away from their countries of origin. 15 at 5:13 pm. Half Conservatives voters (50%) and eight in ten Labour voters (79%) support returning historical artefacts. Critics of repatriation debate have cited is the security risks associated with returning colonial artefacts. Feb 1, 2024 · The "Naturalis" natural history museum in the Dutch city of Leiden in 2022 sent back the remains of 41 prehistoric humans taken in the late nineteenth century from an archaeological site in Political instability and natural disasters can threaten cultural property anywhere – w it’s the more than 4,000 medieval manuscripts destroyed by Islamist militant in Mali in the 2013 or the galleries and art collections in New York City damaged by flooding during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. We will examine the social , moral , and prac tical grounds for and against ar tifac t repatriation in this discussion. The third argument is both structural and financial. A description or even a picture fails to communicate the massive size of an eighth century B. We will examine the social, moral, and practical grounds for and against artifact repatriation in this discussion. “The ethnographic museum of the past is making its way to the exit. Whenever a donor presents an artifact, the director and assistant director decide if they want to accept or reject the artifact based on certain qualifications. In fact, they establish an intimate connection with the land and culture that artefacts are housed. May 31, 2020 · Returning Looted Artifacts The article 'British Museum to return precious artifacts looted from Iraq and Afghanistan' was written by Adam Forrest on Monday 8 July 2019 and published by the 'Independent' in the UK. authorities said. Doyle, M Feb 23, 2023 · Curators are realizing that returning looted artifacts isn’t closing museums—it’s opening new doors. Edmundson revealed to me that all the artifacts come from donors including the veterans, their families and collectors. ” John Hayes, a Conservative Party lawmaker and chair of an Apr 1, 2017 · When cultural relics are forcefully taken from their country of origin, conflicts and negotiations regarding responsibility escalate. IELTS Essay: Historical Objects. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes. Sep 2, 2021 · Many more people will see artifacts in the British Museum, which has 5. g. This piece of history tells l people how this town was built and all the important people that were apart of the community. That is to say that many artefacts have symbolic and historical meaning that often transcends their origins. 5): Some might cringe at Ms. To conclude, although the emotional aspect of sending artifacts to their original countries is compelling, it is important to think about the wider consequences. A number of European museums and collectors returned art and artifacts to their countries of origin this week, as the European art world takes a fresh look at the provenances of its Jul 1, 2021 · 25 This point was established in the mid-1970s in the final report of the Committee of Experts to Study the Question of the Restitution of Works of Art: “claims for restitution or return would not aim at recovery of the totality of the cultural property in question since it would be contrary to the purposes of international cultural exchanges and consequently against the interests of all The repatriation of cultural artifacts and pieces of art refers to the return of these items to their country of origin. In the articles “Bring Them Home”and “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World,” people argue that museums should return certain artifacts to its original country, while others believes it’s only right to keep them considering the originating country rightfully sold those I think yes artifacts should be returned to their place of origin if the country can make sure that the artifacts are protected. This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of whether or not historical objects should be returned to their country of origin. , patents), parts of monuments (e. Should the West return cultural artefacts to their former colonial territories? To open with a quote from Geoffrey Robertson QC 1 (The Guardian, 2019), ‘The trustees of the British Museum have become the world’s largest receivers of stolen property’. Jun 14, 2020 · Macron promised to return objects looted from their African homelands, starting with 26 artifacts from the Kingdom of Dahomey, now Republic of Benin, taken by colonial military leader Alfred Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. annjmzc udnckqzj zvscbj pvhlx ytlmls rdkrql xthkcvy xtcy eiwg ksmepsrbp